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New facilities Catari España

June 2023

A new space to better meet the Spanish market needs

As part of the expansion plan defined for the Spanish market, the Catari Group has invested in the construction of new facilities for Catari España, now located in Seseña, Toledo – about 40 km from Madrid.

A new space that guarantees greater capacity and logistics optimization, thus seeking to satisfy the most diverse needs of customers. This important investment has a positive impact on the entire supply chain: increasing preparation of several cargoes and orders at the same time, enabling a more efficient response and shorter delivery response times; more flexibility to meet the growing demands of the Spanish market and even improve productivity and work performance.

In addition to an outdoor warehouse for scaffolding with a total area of 8.000 m2 and a covered area of 1.500 m2 to store more delicate materials, the new Catari España facilities aim to guarantee differentiated service solutions: training area for companies/customers; workshop area and presentation of new products; scaffolding cleaning area and also administrative area with central offices in a surface area of 700 m2.

In a nutshell, in the words of the General Director of Catari España – Jose María del Pozo, this change aims to:

“To be a tool for continuous improvement for the current Catari customers and those who are joining us”.

Catari España also has other important centers for global coverage of the Spanish territory, in Seville, serving the South and West, and from Oporto (Portugal), where we serve the western part of Spain.

Jose María del Pozo reports that:

Always under the slogan Solutions holding your ideas Catari España can now serve more and better by adding “Solutions and services that hold your ideas and projects”.

Contact Adress:

Catari España

C/Espartinas 13

45223 Seseña – Toledo

phone: +34 91 556 06 62


Contact persons:

  • Administrative Services

Tamara Gómez Palma
phone: +34 91 556 06 62  mobile: +34 646 894 509

  • Comercial

César Cordovilla
mobile:  +34 659 782 908