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Complaint Channel

Catari provides a reporting channel that can be used by employees, partners, suppliers and other interested parties to report situations of infractions or well-founded suspicions related to compliance with legislation, standards and good management practices.

Catari's complaint Channel

In situations that may involve topics such as money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption, conflicts of interest, fraud, harassment, discrimination, information security and privacy, among others.

For this purpose, the decision to denounce must be taken consciously, thoughtfully and honestly, and it is assumed that it is made in good faith. The company ensures that the author of the communication is not subject to any retaliation or discrimination. On the other hand, the deliberate and unsubstantiated use of the reporting channel may constitute a disciplinary, civil or criminal infraction.

All communications will be treated independently and confidentially, ensuring the protection of the whistle blower’s personal data. In any case, the data collected will be treated exclusively within the scope of handling the complaint, with the confidentiality of the identity of the author of the communication being guaranteed until such time as this information is required, namely, by supervisory entities or judicial entities.

Important note: Situations such as complaints, requests for information, suggestions, requests for rights within the scope of the RGPD or others that exceed the scope set out above, will not be processed through this means.

To file a complaint, please use the link Complaint Channel