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Atenko and Catari settle strategic alliance

July 2023

The partnership promises to give breath a new life into the scaffolding sector in South America

In a global world where the market demands are increasing, join forces to deliver a distinguished and yet competitive product in mandatory. A premise which led to a new alliance formalized by Catari and Atenko on the 29th of June last. This treaty aims to serve the scaffolding sector in the geographical areas where Atenko operates: Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The relationship between both companies arose from a mutual interest in generating added value, through a certified product according to the European standards and a qualified service. Earlier this year the Catari’s Administration, represented by CEO – Paulo Nery and CCO – Bernardo tavares Nery, had the opportunity to visit the Atenko’s facilities, getting in touch with their solid supply chain and the capacity of provide integrated scaffolding solutions in Argentine, Bolivian Paraguayan and Uruguayan markets.

The commitment generated between the international players was celebrated with a visit, this time by Atenko to the headquarters of Catari Group in Portugal. A week where the Catari team had de pleasure of welcoming the Uruguayan delegation, represented by the CEO – Martín Soler and the management team – Tomás Soler, Agustín Ciganda and Gerardo Silva. The visit to the Catari production plant, Logistics Centre and Catari Portugal branch, were the key points of this week, which culminated in the signing of the strategic alliance agreement. The direct contact with Catari’s production, engineering and logistical capacity drove the rise of trust and cooperation that had already been created in several previous moments, reaffirming the commercial relationship that has been built.

Atenko is now the official and exclusive distributor of Catari in the previously mentioned markets, counting with a range of products certified by European standards and the direct support given rise to scaffolding supplies, with the Catari products being available at Atenko’s branches for distribution and sell.

The alliance formed with one of the strongest players in the sector in South America will allow Catari to reposition has a scaffold manufacturer and brand in the region. It is precisely with the certainty that local customers will now have a better and more qualified offer, in terms of product and service, that we see this agreement as an important milestone in the strategic plan of the Catari Group.